Blair has a balanced approach to providing the clients and team members of Selby Watson & Co with an exceptional experience. He encourages both professionalism and a relaxed environment in equal measure, and always looks for positives when dealing with challenges.
A light-hearted approach and disposition ensure Blair’s clients feel comfortable as he interprets their financial data. Primarily dealing with farmers and small businesses, Blair is passionate about developing strategies and processes to assist his clients in living the life they want.
Affectionately referred to as “Boss 2” by the team, Blair grew up in the Murray River town of Tocumwal. He has two daughters who are now both in secondary school, and is busily supporting their schooling, sporting and extra-curricular interests.
Blair and his wife Georgie have been actively involved with Turvey Park Football Club since arriving in Wagga in 1998 and continue to do so to this day. Blair is also a board member of both Rules Club and Southern Sports Academy. His sporting abilities, however, are now limited to casual games of touch, golf and trying to back fast horses.
Professional Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Chartered Accountant